Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Life Is Beautiful

Roberto Benigni , Nicoletta Braschi

Director : Roberto Benigni
Year :1998
imdb score : 8.4/10 imdb rank:#87

1939 Arezzo, Italy.
Guido and his friend arrive in town. Guido, who's Jewish, is a funny, happy, naively sophisticated, imaginative man, who falls in love with a school teacher(Dora). With his wits and his imagination, he wins the heart of the teacher, who in spite of having agreed to a marriage proposal with an other guy, doesn't hesitate for a moment to run away with Mr. Guido, who was just a waiter by then. They have a kid who always enjoys the special imagination of his father. During WWII, the happy family gets swept off to a concentration camp, where the father, in order to make his son believe that the predicament is just an game his family is participating in, uses that very imagination and makes his son believe that it is a game they are playing and the 1st prize is a tank. Various levels of creativity are used by Guido to protect his son in the camp, where the old and the children are killed because they are not strong enough to work.

Roberto Benigni writes, directs and stars in Life Is Beautiful, an Italian film that has won three Oscars and nominated for four others. Benigni plays the role of Guido while his real-life wife, Nicoletta Braschi, co-stars as Dora.

Life Is Beautiful is a funny but heartwarming film. Benigni really gets into his character. His humor and charm in the film not only impress Dora, but woo the audience at the same time. There’s no doubt that Benigni deserves the 1999 Oscar for Best Actor.


Oscars Won
Best Foreign Language Film
Best Actor in a Leading Role
Best Music, Original Dramatic Score

Reviewed by Mr.Shankar:


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