Friday, July 24, 2009

Cast Away

Tom Hanks

Director : Robert Zemeckis
Year : 2000
imdb score : 7.4/10
Tom Hanks stars as Chuck Noland, a Fed-Ex manager and a complete workaholic. His world revolves around the clock - He wants to be on time, every time. One fine day, when he boards a cargo going to Malaysia , the aircraft crashes and he is the only survivor. He lands on a deserted island with nothing but fed-ex packages and the island to help him survive. He stays on the island for 4 yrs with a picture of his girl Kelly to keep him going.Hanks is excellent in the role. Cast Away is gripping entertainment from start to finish.

Zemeckis’ directing is brilliant. The single most quintessential example of Zemeckis’ placed immersion into the world of Cast Away is Wilson. Wilson is a washed up volleyball. Literally. Hanks paints a face on Wilson in his own blood (insert metaphors here), eventually covers him in grassy hair, and treats him like his only friend. Correction: Wilson is his only friend. Hanks and Wilson seem like the ultimate odd couple. Even though Hanks speaks on Wilson’s behalf, we still feel we are getting to know a good character. Wilson is Hanks’ grasp on humanity, and onto sanity. It would seem easy to scoff at the idea of a friendly volleyball as “sanity,” but Hanks and Zemeckis allow us to understand the friendship, the relationship, by ending it in front of our eyes.

It’s one of those rare movies that makes you think and raises normal human problems in an extreme situation and deals wonderfully with the human condition. When the credits roll, it’s clear that we could all use some of the lessons Hanks learned, because the film is much deeper than being just about simple survival. The film is about being human, something many of us still have to learn.

Memorable Quote from the Movie:
The most beautiful thing in the world is, of course, the world itself.


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